Dressing for the Interview

September 5th, 2016 by

You’re not supposed to judge a book by it’s cover. However, the second you walk into an interview, before you’ve said hello and shaken hands, you’ve already made an impression based on what you are wearing. Make sure that first impression is good one by dressing professionally and appropriately for the position you are applying for.

Interview_-_HSG_TALENTS_ConferenceKnow the dress code. If you are unsure what to wear to your interview, call ahead of time and ask about the company’s dress code. You can use this as a guideline for picking out your outfit for the interview. It’s best to dress above the position you are applying for. If the office dress code is casual where most people are in jeans and T-shirts, still step it up a notch to a blouse or button up shirt with nice jeans or slacks.

Hygiene and grooming. Make sure the clothes you choose are clean and free of wrinkles.  Wear deodorant, but avoid using an overpowering perfume or cologne — or better yet don’t use any at all. Just make sure you are clean and look tidy. Go light on the makeup, comb your hair and clean up facial hair.

Accessories. Don’t overdo it by wearing large pieces of jewelry or extremely bright ties. Accessories shouldn’t be distracting or look unprofessional. Tip: Choose accessories that can start a conversation. A piece of jewelry from a recent vacation, a small pin that represents your hometown or a tie that represents your interest in music is a great way to get a conversation going. Wear something that shows off your personality while still remaining professional.

Want more tips to help you get the job? Take our Interview Skills course!


How can you use social media to get a job?

August 25th, 2016 by

Social media has expanded beyond a fun way to communicate with friends — it is also an important tool for making connections and branding yourself. Social media can help you develop relationships and show off your skills to peers and potential employers. Today we are answering three standard questions regarding social media and what you share with professionals in your field.

What social media platforms should I be using?download (1)

If you don’t have a LinkedIn account yet, get one. LinkedIn is like your resume, but allows you to expand on your experience, showcase your talents and create a portfolio of your work. The point of LinkedIn is to make connections with people within your field, making it the perfect platform to find new opportunities, open yourself up to recruiters and develop your career.

Unlike LinkedIn, which is strictly business oriented, Facebook and Twitter can be used in both a personal and professional context. It all depends on who you choose to connect with. Depending on your field, you may want to separate your personal life and professional life into two accounts. Use a personal account to stay in touch with friends and a professional account to share professional development and advancement as well as interesting news in your industry.

Which pages should I include on a resume or business card?

The social media platforms you include depend on what you use the pages for. Just to reiterate, LinkedIn is a must! However, other social media should typically be left off your resume, unless it is a professional account relevant to the position you are applying for.

Examples of social media you can include are a professional blog you write or a company profile you shared content on. These examples highlight your ability to use social media in a professional setting and show off your knowledge about your field.

How should I present myself on social media?

Be consistent. Use the same username and the same picture and post similar content across all of your social media profiles.

Be active. Do not share social media you aren’t regularly posting to. Trying to connect using a profile you haven’t posted to in months will not give a good impression.

Be appropriate. This tip should go without saying, but don’t swear or discuss inappropriate subjects. If you wouldn’t talk that way in front of your boss, don’t say it on a professional account.



The Four Ingredients of Entrepreneurship

August 18th, 2016 by

Have you ever wanted to open your business, but didn’t know where to begin? According to Arunas Chesonis, CEO of Sweetwater Energy in Rochester NY and expert entrepreneur, there are four ingredients for starting a successful business: experience, planning, funding and teamwork.

Experience. Before you start a new business, you need to understand how a business is run. Apply for internships or volunteer at an organization and put in quality effort. Take time to learn from those around you and understand the ins and outs of the industry. By working in the field of business ahead of time, you will make meaningful connections and gain valuable experience, setting yourself up for future success.

Looking to become leaders in their industryPlanning. When it comes to starting a new business, you cannot just wing it. You need to construct a detailed plan and answer these fundamental questions:

-Who is my target market/audience?
-What exactly do I want to do?
-When will I launch my new business?
-Where do I want my business to be after 1 year? 2 years? 5 years?
-How much will it cost?

You should also come up with a justification for the new business. What niche does it fulfill? Why should people use your product or service over someone else’s?

Funding. Once you figure out how much starting your business will cost, you need to figure out how it will be funded. Can you afford to fund the project yourself or do you need investors? If you don’t have enough people to invest in your idea, you can also investigate small business loans. There are plenty of funding opportunities available it’s just a matter of finding the best option for you.

Teamwork. Creating a team of smart and dedicated individuals will be necessary to help your business grow. Working with others can be a challenge, so make sure you pick your team carefully. Choose trustworthy people that are smart, dedicated and passionate about the business you are building together. Make sure you and your team brush up on their interpersonal communication skills and go into every meeting with an open mind. You want to establish a strong, upbeat and conflict-free environment from the get go.

Learn more about starting a business with Next Step Academy’s Entrepreneurship course!


Building a Stellar Resume

July 25th, 2016 by

Your resume is the first impression you leave with a potential employer. Before the interview, they’ve already reviewed your skills and accomplishments. Don’t let a bad resume be the reason you can’t get your foot in the door. Follow these tips to help you create a stellar resume as you take the next step towards your dream job.

A well constructed resume includes the following sections:

Summary statement. This is the first section of your resume and it should be short and sweet. Just a quick blurb about who you are and what experience you have to offer. Ex. “Public relations professional with 5+ years experience using innovative social media tactics…”

Notable skills. Now is your chance to tell your potential employer what useful skills you have that make you the perfect candidate for the position. You can include soft skills such as teamwork and time management, but most employers expect that from all candidates. Try to highlight the specific skill sets you have and include software you are familiar with.

13903383190_5920c870e1_bProfessional experience. Where have you worked, what have you done and how have you used the skills you mentioned? You do not need to include every job you’ve ever had. Only include relevant experience to the position you’re applying for and make sure you are honest. Omitting irrelevant experience is fine, including experience you’ve never had is not.  

Key projects and accomplishments. This section can actually be included as a subsection for your professional experience. Describe impressive projects you’ve worked on, especially if you received recognition or an award for your accomplishment.

Additional experience. Include volunteer work, internships, freelance and consulting work. Make sure you describe the work and create a connection between your skills and your professional experience.

Education. Where you went to school and the degree you received should typically be the last section on your resume. Unless you are using your resume to get an internship or entry-level position, your major and GPA are often less important than the experience and skills you’ve acquired.

Don’t overshare.

Believe it or not, some people put everything on their resume, including their favorite color and how many kids they have. Stick to skills and experience and leave the personal details about friends, family and non-professional hobbies out of your resume.

Remember to proofread for spelling and grammar and keep things consistent. This means using the same punctuation, using either paragraph or bulleted format, not both, and keeping text the same size and style throughout.

Take Next Step Academy’s “Career Readiness” course for more professional and career building tips.


The 20-Hour Rule

July 18th, 2016 by

We all want to become better at something. After all, learning new skills is necessary to give yourself an edge as you develop your career. For many years the 10,000 hour rule popularized by Malcolm Gladwell has been the standard for mastering skills. If you do the math, 10,000 hours equates to about 90 minutes of practice every day for 20 years!

6-Ways-to-Learn-New-Skills-OnlineThe truth is, to reach a reasonable and useful level of skill proficiency, you only need to commit yourself to 20 hours, not 20 years. Whether you want to become better at public speaking or learn HTML, you can develop the new skill by dedicating yourself to just 40 minutes of practice each day for one month.

So how exactly do you learn a new skill with the 20 hour rule?

  • 1. First, you need to decide what skills will help you on your career path. Then, you need to pre-commit to 20 hours of dedicated practice. The 20 hour rule is a good way to gauge interest in the skill. If you aren’t willing to schedule 40 minutes a day to learn a particular skill, then you should consider learning something else.


  • 2. Once you’ve committed to learning a new skill, break it down into smaller more manageable sub-skills. This eliminates the tendency to feel overwhelmed, making it easier to get started. You can break down a skill like HTML into first learning how to place tags, then how to manipulate text, then how to create links, and so on.


  • 3. After you’ve broken up a skill into sub-skills, decide which sub-skills are most important and focus on those first. By dedicating your early practice to the fundamental sub-skills you’ll notice a significant increase in your performance after just a few hours of commitment.

Need ideas for a new skill to develop? Check out one of Next Step Academy’s job skills courses.


Tips For Starting a New Job

July 11th, 2016 by

You’ve nailed the interview, they offered you the job, now you’re tasked with navigating a new office and work environment. Here are five tips for being successful when starting your new job.

  1. Arrive on time. Nothing gives off a worse first impression than being late on your first day. Try to arrive at least five minutes early. That means in the office and ready to go five minutes early, not parking five minutes before the work day begins.
  1. Know the dress code/code of conduct. Make sure you know how to dress and act in your new work environment. Don’t show up under-dressed, but also don’t overdress for the position. Get a feel for how people act in the office and match their level of professionalism.
  1. Get to know your fellow employees. Work will never be truly enjoyable if you don’t like or get along with your coworkers. Take the time to get to know the people you work with. The ability to work well with other employees will be important in all facets of your professional life.
  1. Ask questions. Your new employer wants you to be a self-starter and able to take charge of projects, but they also want you to know how to ask questions. Don’t be afraid to speak up if you don’t understand a task or need a little more direction. Your employer will appreciate your dedication and moxie.
  1. Give it time to get yourself adjusted. Work is work, but it is also a social and cultural institution in your life. Anytime you jump into a new circle of people and a new set of tasks and expectations, it takes time to get adjusted. Don’t get stressed if you aren’t totally comfortable in your job right away, give yourself time, you’ll get there.

For more professional development tips visit hr.nextstepacademy.com


Five Tips to Nail Your Interview

June 27th, 2016 by

Interviews can be the most stressful part of getting a job, with your future employment dependent on the impression you leave with a total stranger. The key to having a great interview and landing the job is being proactive and confident.pexels-photo-70292

Here are five tips for having a successful interview:

Research. Read up on the company before the interview. Make sure you know exactly what position you are interviewing for and learn about the company’s history and values. This will help you stand out from the beginning of the interview. Bonus points if you learn the names of your interviewer and the higher-ups in the company.

Dress for success. Make sure the clothes you wear to the interview are clean, wrinkle-free and professional. Think you’re under-dressed? Call ahead of time and find out the company’s dress code and use that as a guideline for what to wear to the interview.

Arrive on time. Do not be late, but also don’t arrive too early. Aim to walk into the office five minutes before your interview. Not parking five minutes before, but in the office and ready to shine five minutes before your scheduled interview time.

Come prepared. Review common interview questions and have answers ready. Consider practicing a mock interview with a friend or family member. Bring multiple copies of your resume, a notebook and a pen. Also consider bringing a list of questions you have for the company. Employers tend to ask at the end of the interview if you have questions for them. Make sure you ask something thoughtful like where they see the company going in the next five years — but leave the conversation about salary for the follow-up!

Send a thank you. Follow up with the interviewer by sending a thank you note. An email is adequate, however a handwritten note adds a personal touch and will help you stand out. The best advice I ever received was to write the thank you note BEFORE the interview, and slip it in the company’s mailbox on your way out!


Want more tips for nailing your interview and getting your dream job? Take the Next Step Academy course “Interviewing Skills” to learn more.




How to: Realize Your Full Professional Potential

June 20th, 2016 by

Making the transition from college to career is a big step and often a daunting one. As you enter the early stages of your career, it’s important to keep up the focus you had while achieving your degree and apply that to reaching your full professional potential.

Here are some tips for improving your potential:tie-690084_960_720

Know yourself. Reflect upon the skills you have and what you have to offer. People tend to underestimate themselves. Take an honest look at what you have accomplished and where you excel and use that to your advantage. Use your talents and strengths to develop a brand for yourself.

Get involved. Volunteer for projects and offer help to others. Taking on more work will allow you to show off your talents and gain more experience. You’ll begin to develop professional relationships and develop a reputation for being dependable. The more involved you become, the more you’ll stand out, making employers more likely to offer you opportunities to grow in the future.

Find a mentor. Seek out an established professional who has already been where you are now and is in a position you aspire to achieve. A mentor will help guide you throughout the course of your professional life will help you build the relationships you will need to be successful.

These tips are a good starting point as you begin to grow within your career. For more professional advice take Next Step Academy’s “Realizing Your Professional Potential” course.


How To: Mentally Prepare For An Interview

March 8th, 2016 by

junge frau im bewerbungsgesprchIf you’ve never been on an interview before, you might not know what to expect and that can be nerve racking. Then again, people who have been on several interviews may still find themselves jittery before hand. While it’s natural, and perhaps even good, to be a little nervous for your interview, you’ll still want to mentally prepare yourself and build your confidence before heading in.

Take a Drive                                                                                                                                            A day or two before your interview, drive there.

It might sound like a weird thing to do, but trust me, it will reduce your anxiety. There’s nothing worse than being stricken with panic on your way to an interview when you suddenly realize you have no idea where you’re going. By mapping your route before hand, you’ll be more familiar with traffic patterns, the parking situation and the amount of time it actually takes to get there. On the day of your interview, it will be one less stressor to deal with.

Mock Interview                                                                                                                                     Recruit a parent, sibling, school counselor or someone else you know has been on interviews.

Provide them with a list of questions to ask you, but also invite them to ask you additional questions off the cuff. Why? Well, an interview is a balancing act. You’ll have some answers prepared for the more traditional questions, but you’ll also need to be ready to answer curve ball questions. The interviewer will look for you’re ability to think on your feet and how you perform under pressure.

Go through this process a few times and with different people if you can. The more you practice, the better and more eloquently you’ll find your responses, even on the really tough questions. Practicing your interview skills will build your confidence and in turn, you’ll be much more composed for the real deal.

Practice Tranquility                                                                                                                                An up-coming interview can create a lot of stress—schedule down time for yourself.

The night before and the morning of, spend five to ten minutes sitting quietly or with soft music if you prefer, but no phone, tablet, or other distractions. Close your eyes and take deep breaths. Let your worries melt away, maybe even use a mantra— try a phrase to raise your self-esteem and confidence like, “I am who they want to hire.”

Get Organized                                                                                                                                    Get your materials together.

Getting organized will help your mind slow down. Have a crisp folder with at least three resumes and three copies of references inside. You may also want to bring a professional portfolio with relevant samples of work or writing examples. Just by walking in with a folder or binder,  you’ll walk taller and  feel a whole lot more confident.

These tips will help get you started to a successful interview. For additional interview information take Next Step Academy’s Interviewing Skills course which you can find right here!


How To: Increase Your Productivity (Right Now)

October 20th, 2015 by

Still trying to get that report done, six hours later? If your productivity levels are quickly and steadily plummeting to the floor, it may be time for a change or two. Sure, getting 8 hours of sleep every night will probably help, and changing your diet may benefit you eventually…but you need to get the led out ASAP. Here’s how you can increase your productivity right now…


Put your phone away.

Turn on silent mode, and put your phone in your purse, desk drawer, or under your chair—wherever it will be out of sight. Also, close the tabs on your browser that have Twitter and Facebook open on them. (If your job requires you to be on social media, then turn off the notifications for your personal accounts.) The internet is the ultimate distraction. Combine that with your nagging desire to beat level 181 on Candy Crush, and messages from your mom about family dinner on Sunday, and you’ve got yourself a recipe for a seriously unproductive and distracted day. So do yourself a favor, and disconnect from your smart phone. The world won’t end while you’re away from Twitter, your mom won’t be mad, and you’ll be exponentially more productive.

Stop trying to multitask.

Seriously, stop it. We all love to think we are fantastic multitaskers, and we like to think that we are better at it than everyone else. Sorry, but you are not a special and unique butterfly (in this situation, anyways). The fact of the matter is that it takes us (yes, everyone) more time to complete each task if we’re trying to complete more than one at the same time, and the quality of our work suffers. It takes us time to refocus as we switch from task to task—about 1/10 of a second each time, and that adds up quickly. No wonder productivity is an issue! Instead of trying to get everything done at the same time, focus on one task at a time. You’ll get things done much faster, and you’ll produce a better end product. This will also benefit you long term.

Make a list.                                                                               

Physically write out (or type) a list of the tasks you need to get done for the day or week. Start with the fastest, simplest tasks. Or, you can start with the task you’re really dreading and get it over with (that way it’s not looming over your head and distracting you from your other responsibilities). Having a tangible list will keep you focused on the task at hand, and keep you on track for a productive day. As you go along and complete each goal, cross it off your list. The feeling of accomplishment after you cross off each task will keep you motivated, and thus, productive!

Reward yourself for each completed task.

Awesome, you finished that report! Reward yourself with a short break—about 2 minutes. Go walk around, eat a bag of Skittles, or listen to a song that makes you happy. But resist the temptation to get on social media. A “two minute” break on Twitter will turn into 20 minutes. We all know it’s true. Giving yourself a breather in between each task will keep you energized, prevent boredom from setting in, and motivate you to complete tasks, all of which leads to increased productivity!


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